ABOUT Cura Wellness

CURA Italian for 'care,' a space to care for your body and mind, in its entirety.

Cura Wellness was established by Naturopath, Tayla Gardiner, with a passion to empower individuals to care for their physical body and emotional self, and connect to their individual health needs throughout the healing process, and beyond.

Tayla is focused on delivering holistic and tailored care by utilising the principles & philosophies of naturopathic herbal medicine with wholefood nutrition to nourish the body, mind and spirit to support optimal health.

By treating the whole person in its entirety, we aim to identify the underlying root cause of dis-harmony whilst supporting the bodies innate ability to heal itself.

With our professional guidance, we aim to ensure you feel cared for, empowered, and supported throughout your wellness journey.

ABOUT Tayla Gardiner

Tayla Gardiner is an accredited Clinical Naturopath currently practicing via online Zoom consultations. Tayla completed her Bachelor Degree of Health Science in Naturopathy (BHSc) at Endeavour College of Natural Health and is a registered member with NHAA (membership no.# 157961).

Tayla loves to adopt a balanced lifestyle by consciously choosing to consume nutritious wholefoods, maintaining a physically active lifestyle, and nourish her emotional wellbeing with meditation, yoga, nature walks/adventures, cooking, reading and spending quality time with loved ones.

Tayla emphasises the significance of a holistic mentality when it comes to dealing with any condition whether its acute or chronic in nature, and truly believes that combining modern evidence-based research with traditional naturopathic and nutritional practices can help to identify the underlying root cause of your physical/emotional presentation and support your wellness journey.